Post LifePlan Emotions

PostLife Plan, the first 48 hours…

I’m sure everyone responds to LifePlan in their own unique way.  I would venture to say that most experience some degree of emotion during LifePlan and afterwards (or a large degree!) It’s an intense experience.  How often do we spend two days bearing our souls to someone?  I stayed very even-keeled (a result of my root system) during LifePlan.  I walked out the door knowing the discoveries we unpacked would forever change my life.  I left with my self worth intact more than it had ever been before.  I left with so many positive feelings.  But, man, the first 48 hours after LifePlan, for me, was unexpectedly emotional, both with positive feelings and ones I couldn’t explain. I’m sure everyone has different approaches in how to take life on in those first couple of days after LifePlan.  Here are a few that helped me through those emotions and reflections.

1. I tried to identify the feelings I was having and talk about them, despite the hesitancy I had in doing so. (Being pretty independent, that wasn’t something I was used to).  I pondered what in my root system caused me to respond like this.

2. I made a plan for implementation.  I am very “plan oriented,” (yep, that’s from my root system, too) so much so that making the plan refuels me.  After the 9-hour trip home, I went into three intense days of professional development for my job and didn’t have time to make that plan or work through the emotions.  Once I had time that weekend to do so, the emotions were more manageable.

3. I sought out connections with people who had gone through LifePlan previously.  This was a big help as they could connect with the feelings and thoughts I was having.

4. I walked through the LifePlan process and my discoveries with my husband, over a two-hour discussion.

5. I started blogging in hopes to reflect myself, to help others who may be struggling and considering LifePlan, and to connect with others who had already gone through LifePlan.

6. I re-listened to Chris Locurto’s podcast entitled “Emotional Intelligence Explained.”  Man, did that ever help. And, what was awesome, I REALLY got that podcast moreso than my first time of listening to it.  It made sense on a whole other level.

7. I scheduled chats with my accountability partners and thanked the mentors in my life (again, as I had previously thanked them numerous times!)

It’s been about a week and a half since my LifePlan and life is awesome. There are emotions there that I am still identifying, talking about and attempting to handle in a proactive, positive way.  And, that’s okay.

What did you experience after LifePlan?  What approach did you take in addressing your thoughts and emotions?

About Annie Palmer

Wife. Mother. Learner. Coach. Becoming better today than I was yesterday and better tomorrow than I am today.

Posted on June 19, 2015, in Emotions and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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